Main News

Acting Secretary General calls for withdrawing curfew; urges to restore peace by accepting students’ just demands

-Maulana ATM Masum

24 July 2024, Wed, 9:05

Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Maulana ATM Masum issued the following statement on 24th July, 2024 condemning the nationwide mass arrests, simultaneously protesting the provocative statements of the ministers, and demanding immediate withdrawal of curfew and also for accepting the just demands of the student community to restore peaceful situation nationwide.

In the statement, he further said, "To suppress the non-political movement of the student community, the government has caused huge bloodshed across the country by sponsoring mass killings through its its party cadres and police forces. The head of the government, the Prime Minister has tried to hide the ...

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman


Come, together we can

Do believe that, the state power of the country should be controlled by the pious, modest and honest leadership in order to establish peace and justice in the country.

I do support Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami as this party has been carrying effort sincerely to establish the dominance of such honest and qualified people in every aspect of the society and the country.

I will extend my all out support to Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami to attain economic freedom and political stability in order to build Bangladesh as prosperous and welfare state.

I will try my best to upgrade my life always morally and ethically.