21 November 2016, Mon, 8:18

Municipality mayor of Chapai Nawabganj arrested within hours after taking oath; Ghulam Parwar condemns

Assistant Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former member of the Parliament Professor Mia Ghulam Parwar has issued the following statement on 21st November, 2016 protesting unjust arrest of Chapai Nawabganj district Jamaat Ameer and the elected mayor of Chapai Nawabganj municipality Principal Nazrul Islam within 3 hours after taking oath for his mayoral office.

The government has attained their ill political interest by unjustifiably arresting Chapai Nwabganj district Jamaat Ameer and the elected mayor of Chapai Nawabganj municipality Principal Nazrul Islam within 3 hours after taking oath for his mayoral office.

Principal Nazrul Islam is a popular leader and the government has arrested him unlawfully as they became envious of his popularity in a bid to deprive the local people from getting their due services. Even the public representatives are not spared from the torture and oppression of the government. I am urging the countrymen to raise voice against the suppression of the government.

I am calling upon the authorities concerned to release Chapai Nawabganj district Jamaat Ameer and the elected mayor of Chapai Nawabganj municipality Principal Nazrul Islam immediately.”