14 May 2017, Sun

Over 200 Bangladeshis stranded in India

As many as 200 Bangladeshis, who were trafficked to and rescued in India four years ago, are anxiously waiting for return to their homes.

In a report, India’s First Post also said on Wednesday that the Bangladeshis are now sheltered across the Indian state adjacent to Bangladesh border.

“At present, about 220 rescued trafficked victims are lodged at various homes and are waiting to return to Bangladesh. However, some factors, legal and otherwise, have come in the way of their return,” principal secretary of the Indian state’s women and child welfare development Roshni Sen was quoted to have said.

Quoting an Indian government official, the report said in most cases the girls either cannot provide addresses in Bangladesh to where they can be sent back or their parents cannot be located.

“In most cases the addresses or the parents of the victims could not be traced, though we completed the standard operating procedure. Secondly, there were instances in which the victims were unable to identify their homes,” Sen was also quoted to have said.