3 October 2019, Thu

Prime Minister’s visit to India; Secretary General puts emphasis on protecting national interest

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Secretary General Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 3 October 2019 expressing hope that Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina would play effective role in resolving the existing bilateral crises by protecting national interest during her ongoing visit in neighboring India.

“There are many disputable issues between Bangladesh and India including the sharing of common river’s water like Teesta and Padma and 3 Bigha corridor issue. We are expecting that the Bangladeshi Premier would play sincere role to resolve these issues and simultaneously would ensure country’s greater interest.

The crisis with the sharing of river is an old issue. But India was always reluctant to solve it. Though, Indian government has secured its due interest from Bangladesh in regards to transit and usage of corridor space of Bangladesh. But in exchange, they gave nothing. Rather, due to Farakka dam, huge areas of Bangladesh are being submerged and marooned due to flood water in every rainy season. Whereas, these lands are suffering from drought in the summer and winter season.

Indian border guard force BSF are frequently murdering the Bangladeshi citizens. They are also kidnapping Bangladeshi civilians from the frontier area. Now days, through the process of NRC, Indian authority is seizing the citizenship of the Muslim communities and subsequently Indian ministers and ruling BJP leaders are often giving threat to push them in Bangladesh. India gave some verbal support to resolve Rohingya crisis, but in practice, there is no substantive role from their part in this regard.

Though the Bangladeshi Premier visited India for several times in last couple of years, but failed to achieve anything significant. Several deeds, treaties and MoUs have been signed between Bangladesh and India but the country could not attain any benefit. Bangladesh’s Prime Minister is used to hold press conference after such trip but in most of the occasions, she remained silent about her achievement.

Several newspapers and media reported that, several treaties and MoUs would be signed between Bangladesh and India during Prime Minister’s ongoing visit to India. We hope that, the Prime Minister would play effective and sincere role in resolving the bilateral burning issues including the sharing of common river’s water, 3 Bigha corridor’s ownership and to bring an end to the killing of innocent civilians at the frontiers. We are also expecting that this time she would reveal her achievement from this trip.

The countrymen know that Bangladesh earlier has signed several anti-national deeds with India. We do not want the repeat of same practice. The people will not accept any anti-national treaties again.