15 December 2017, Fri, 4:10

Jamaat leader arrested from Satkhira in a false case; Acting Secretary General protests

Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana ATM Masum has issued the following statement on 15th December, 2017 protesting and condemning the unjustifiable arrest of Satkhira district Jamaat’s Assistant Secretary Advocate Azizul Islam from his residence on 14th December.

“Police has arrested Satkhira district Jamaat’s Assistant Secretary Advocate Azizul Islam in order to harass him politically. Mr. Azizul Islam is a lawyer. He is fully respectful towards the law. No question is emanated of his alleged nexus with any anarchy or subversive activities. Police is propagating false and intentional campaign just to implicate him with some ill-motivated cases. His unjustifiable arrest exposed the fascist face of the government once again. I am urging my fellow citizens to raise voice against the torture and oppression of the incumbent fascist government.

Finally I am calling upon the concerned authorities to stop repression and also to release all the detained leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami including Satkhira district Jamaat’s Assistant Secretary Advocate Azizul Islam immediately.”