01. The minimum wage structure and equal pay for men and women for work of equal value shall be introduced.
02. Labourers aged 65 years or over shall be given retirement benefits.
03. Employees shall be given required professional training; compensation shall be given to those who are injured or die at workplace; and the small salaried employees shall be rovided with residential facilities and medical services, and their children shall be given free education.
04. Employees shall be given accident benefits.
05. In order to eradicate child labour from the country, underprivileged children shall be given proper education and good health services.
06. Individual, financial and social security of the female employees working for the garment factories shall be guaranteed.
07. Interests of the labourers shall be safeguarded against all conspiracies from within and without the country.
08. Maternity leave of the female job-holders shall be guaranteed.