6 January 2017, Fri


01. Domestic and agricultural industries will be swiftly flourished reducing the foreign dependency as much as possible, and policy of self-dependency will be followed in all sectors of the economy.  

02. The customs and tax-related laws will be amended to make those laws time befitting to enhance the government revenue, and the institutional structure will be expanded.  

03. Rate of interest both in the public and private banks will be gradually reduced to emancipate the people from repression of the interest, and difference between deposit and interest-rate will be reduced.  

04. Development flow in business and industry will be accelerated by providing vocational training as well as long term interest-free loan with unemployed youth.  

05. Level of poverty will be reduced step by step.  

06. Measures will be taken for economic development and GDP growth through the proper usage of land, labour, capital, raw materials and natural resources of the country.  

07. Development in the private sectors will be duly emphasized, the concerned laws and policies will be modernized and the government’s assistance will be more liberalized in this regard.  

08. All types of administrative assistance will be given for proper investment of the money sent by Bangladeshi expatriates.  

09. In order to strengthen the country’s economy, pragmatic economic relationship will be developed with all other countries including the neighboring and regional countries especially China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Pakistan, South Korea and Iran.  

10. It will be tried to enhance the foreign investment keeping the country’s interest unhampered, and the concerned policies will be updated and the Board of Investment (BOI) will be strengthened.  

11. The country’s monetary sector will be made dynamic and disciplined and necessary infrastructures will be built.  

12. Participation of the disabled persons in all economic activities of the country will be ensured.  

13. To prevent wastage of the time and the government fund and accelerate the development,   programme-based development system will be introduced instead of the project-based development.  

14. To implement development programme by the government fund, the public departments will be given money-allocation through the concerned ministries on the basis of programme rather than project.  

15. The given ‘Zakat’ will be made ‘tax-free’.