Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman has issued the following statement on 24 January 2020 urging the concerned stakeholders to implement the recommendations of International Court of Justice, (ICJ) as they ordered Myanmar to take emergency measures to prevent genocide of the Rohingya.
“I am appreciating the verdict of International Court of Justice, (ICJ) in which they ordered the government of Myanmar to take emergency measures to prevent genocide of the Rohingya. I would also like to thank Gambian government as they recommended for taking some interim actions against the Myanmar government in order to protect the victims. This verdict will be considered as a historic initiative on behalf of the oppression victims as well. By these decisions, the Rohingyas have achieved the support of the international communities.
UN’s top court also ordered Myanmar government to take all-out emergency measures to prevent genocide of the Rohingya. Besides, ICJ asked the Myanmar authorities to preserve and protect the evidences of the genocide which took place against Rohingyas. I am urging the Myanmar government to implement the recommendations of the ICJ verdict.
ICJ President Abdulaqawi Yousuf stated that, ICJ thinks, Rohingyas are still being remained in Myanmar as unprotected. They further opined that Myanmar government has legal obligation to follow court’s interim order to secure the Rohingyas.
Myanmar security forces had launched a massive crackdown against the Rohingyas in August, 2017. They set fire at the houses of Rohingyas, massacred thousands of youths and raped the Rohingya ladies indiscriminately. To get rid of such oppression, more than a million Rohingyas have taken shelter in Bangladesh. Still the process of this ethnic cleansing is going on.
In the wake of that brutal repression, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees have taken shelter in several neighboring countries. Initiatives should be taken for their safe and respectable repatriation and also for bringing an end to the barbarous genocide. I am urging the United Nations, OIC and democratic platforms across the world to press the Myanmar government for implementing the ICJ recommendations.