Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Ameer Maqbul Ahmad has issued the following statement on 29 April 2019 urging to observe International Workers’ Day, popularly known as ‘May Day’ on 1st May.
The historic May Day is going to observed on 1st May. The labor communities in Chicago of USA had set a unique example of highest sacrifice on 1st May of 1886 in order to ensure their rights. Being inspired by those struggles and sincere efforts, the labor communities around the world are continuing strives to secure their due rights till today. Yet, these movements have not attained its expected success so far.
It is obvious now that, human made doctrine is not able to address and resolve the crises of the people. Our Prophet (peace be upon Him) also recommended to pay the labor their due wages even before their sweat dries. The desired welfare of both the owners and the labors lies in the implementation of the Prophet’s (peace be upon Him) recommendations.
At present, the labors are deprived from their just rights. The feud and conflicts between the labors and the owners became intense in different mills and factories. Often the labors have taken to the street to press their demands although those demands are not met yet. We firmly believe that, the labors dignity would be secured and simultaneously the owner’s interest would be served only by activating Islamic labor policies.
I am urging the labor communities and people of all quarters to observe International Workers’ Day, popularly known as ‘May Day’ on 1st May with due solemnity and fervor.