Maqbul Ahmed, the newly elected Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami has sworn in as the New Ameer in front of the party’s central executive committee at 10 in the morning on 17th October, Monday. Chief Election Commissioner of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana ATM Masu conducted the oath taking function.
Earlier, the members (Rukon) of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami had elected Maqbul Ahmed as party Ameer thorugh secret ballots for the 2017-2018-2019 sessions. After taking the oath, he sought prayer and blessings from the man power of the party and the country so that he can discharge his duties properly. He also delivered the following speech on the occasion:
In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful
Dear countrymen,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.
I am expressing my deep gratitude to Almighty Allah as he made me able to appear before you in a very critical moment of the nation. I would like to recall the valiant and courageous freedom fighters and the people of all classes who had made outstanding contribution and sacrifice during the war of liberation in 1971. We are blessed with an independent and sovereign country because of their optimum sacrifice and dedication. Particularly, I would like to remember Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the architect of independent Bangladesh, martyr President Ziaur Rahman, popular leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, the supreme commander of the liberation war General Ataul Goni Osmani and other great leaders of our struggle and movement for independence.
On this holy occasion, I would like to remember the former Ameer of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Professor Ghulam Azam, former Ameer and Ex-Minister Maulana Matiur Rahman Nizami, former Nayeb-e-Ameer Maulana Abul Kalam Mohammad Yousuf, former Nayeb-e-Ameer Professor AKM Nazir Ahmad, former Secretary General and Ex-Minister Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, former Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman and Abdul Quader Molla, party’s former central executive committee member Mir Quasem Ali and those top leaders, who had made outstanding and significant contribution throughout their lives for establishing a just and welfare society in Bangladesh on the basis of Islamic ideology. Because of their pro-active and dynamic roles, the incumbent authoritarian government has unlawfully hanged 5 of them to death. Two of the aforesaid leaders had died because of the government’s oppression and torture. I am praying to Almighty Allah for the acceptance of their martyrdom. Besides, I am also praying for those brothers and sisters who have also died and murdered due to government’s inhuman repression and torture in past couple of years. I am humbly praying to Allah for the acceptance of their sacrifice and martyrdoms.
I am also recalling 5 times elected popular parliament member and Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami’s Nayeb-e-Ameer Maulana Abdus Subhan, Jamaat’s Nayebe-e-Ameer and world renowned religious preacher and former MP Maulana Delwar Hossain Sayedee, Assistant Secretary General ATM Azharul Islam and hundreds of thousands of other leaders and activists, who have been kept behind the bar for long days in connection with some false and baseless allegations. Across the country, thousands of Jamaat, Chhatrashibir, Chhatrishangstha activists and other opposition men have become the worst victim of false cases and they are being forced to leave their house and working places and now living miserably. Many leaders and activists have been made crippled in the name of police remand. Many others became victim of abduction, murder and serious injuries. I am extending deep sympathy to the injury victims and their families and praying for their quick recoveries. I am raising demand once again to give the abducted peoples back to their families. I am praying to Allah for the acceptance of all the sacrifices of our manpower and also to be rewarded them with bounties.
In addition, I am also expressing deep sympathy to the innumerous number of peoples who have become the victim of murder, inhuman torture and oppression due to ongoing international terrorism in different countries including Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Libya and Iraq. I am also urging all the quarters to go forward for establishing sustainable peace in Kashmir by accepting the just demand of the Kashmiri people. I am also calling upon the Myanmar government and the world communities to ensure the due rights and security of the oppressed Muslims in Myanmar.
Fellow brothers and sisters,
You all are well informed that Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is an ideal party that works maintaining the democratic norms based on Quran and Sunnah. Amidst the ongoing suffocating and adverse atmosphere nationwide, the election for post of Ameer-e-Jamaat has been concluded as per the party constitution. In this election, the Jamaat members elected me as Ameer of the party. I hoped that, my colleagues would select a better qualified person for this responsible post. But as Almighty Allah wishes, this great burden has been bestowed upon me. You all are acknowledged hat, the responsibility of the Acting Ameer was on my shoulder for last 6 years. By the grace of Almighty Allah and with your sincere assistance and cooperation, I have tried my level best to discharge that duty amid severe critical moments and repressions. I was really inclined to keep myself free from performing this tough job. But again by the grace of Almighty Allah, the secret ballots of the party members gave me the responsibility of party Ameer and accordingly, based on the Almighty Allah’s blessings and guidance, I am going to be sworn in. In addition, I am humbly surrendering before the Lordship of the Almighty Allah for giving me such capacity and blessings so that I can perform my duties properly. I am seeking cordial support, assistance, cooperation and open minded suggestions from the members, activists, supporters of Jamaat-e-Islami for the accomplishment of my duties.
In this oath taking programs, without any hesitation and fear, I would like to say that I had no I had no worldly desire in the past, nothing even in the present. It would be my great achievement if Almighty Allah accepts me for the Islamic movement. In no way I am better qualified than you. However, you have given me huge responsibility having deep trust and confidence upon me. Please pray so that I can perform my duties precisely. I am expecting Almighty Allah’s blessings and your kind cooperation so that I can prioritize the requirement of the nation over my personal choice and other demands. I sincerely believe that, we have to be accountable before Almighty Allah on the day of resurrection, for any of the responsibilities of this movement. This responsibility can be a way of getting salvation and again it can be the reason of severe punishment. In this backdrop, I am again seeking your prayer so that this responsibility becomes the option for me to get release from sufferings on the Day of Judgment. Amin.
Dear countrymen,
I am observing with great concern that our beloved birth land is in severe crisis now. Democracy and human rights are completely foiled as there is no elected government to govern the nation. The law enforcers have been used nakedly to tackle the opposition quarters, particularly the Islamic parties and thus the nation has been transformed into a police state. The countrymen are suffering from severe frustration and panic as the government has miserably failed to resist terrorism and extremism. Country’s independence and sovereignty is at stake. Freedom of media has been squeezed and moral values have been lost drastically due to impact of the ill-cultures. Ill deeds like abduction, murder, women and children tortures, drug trading have been increased rampantly. A deplorable situation has been created due to massive corruption, nepotism, irregularities, partisan initiatives, political vengeance, disunities, propaganda and relentless crackdown. The minorities have become unsafe and their sufferings know no bounds due to the looting, grabbing and tortures of the ruling party men. Extreme poverty, unemployment, devaluation of merits, discriminations and price hike of the essentials made the citizen lives miserable. The financial structure of the country has been collapsed. The educational institutions and trade organizations have become a sanctuary for the terrorists and extortionists. In words, the entire nation is passing days amid panic, tension and worries centering the safety, security and upcoming crises of the nation.
Under the circumstances, being elected as the Ameer of a responsible and public representative party like Jamaat-e-Islami, I would like to make an open call. This country belongs to all of us. We all have to try together for resolving the existing crisis. No party or government can resolve the problem solemnly. I am again urging the government to beyond partisan thoughts and to resolve the prevailing crisis based on national unity though dialogues and discussion. And for doing so, there is no alternative to fruitful national dialogue, which would be attended by all parties. But to make such dialogue fruitful, first of all a congenial atmosphere should be created. As a part of it, all the false cases and warrants against Jamaat and other opposition party leaders and activists, patriot nationals and journalists and religious personnel must be withdrawn. All the political prisoners must be released. Police harassment and torture against political opponents should be stopped. In order to bring back stability and democratic environment in the country, the state power must be transferred to the elected public representatives and prior to do that; national election should be arranged under an acceptable and fair government. Besides, I am calling upon the people of all sections to come forward for building this nation without giving the excuse of any past political issues.
Dear countrymen,
Our beloved birth land Bangladesh is a nation of great potentiality. This country is full of natural, mineral and water resources. But to utilize these huge resources, we need good governance, just society and a moral and skilled patriot leadership. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is working for building a just and welfare society by producing the leadership of aforesaid qualities on the basis of the preamble of the declaration of independence and the Islamic ideologies. Jamaat has undertaken long term plans to establish such welfare state acknowledging the domestic, regional and international perspectives. We are highly optimistic that our efforts would be able to form national unity and to secure democracy, good governance and social justices. It would also secure the rights of the people irrespective of their political belief, cast and religions. Friendship to all and enmity to none, holding this principle, healthy relation can be established with all the peace loving nations around the world. Mutual relationship can be improved based on equality and equity. Most of all, the long cherished dream of prosperous Bangladesh would be fulfilled.
Dear fellow brothers and sisters,
Jamaat-e-Islami has come to the current position after overcoming lots of hurdles and long way of struggles in the course of the Islamic movement. The public confidence and trust upon Jamaat-e-Islami is being increased massively due to continuous repression and torture of the government. A massive reshuffle of the existing social system is required for establishing the welfare society, for which Jamaat is longing for. Only a change on the social surface cannot build the expected Islamic society. To do so, we need to make our leaders and colleagues qualified so that they can represent the same spirit at every level of society. The practice and reading of Quran and Hadith should be increased. Our manpower should be enlightened with the knowledge of Islam and modern science. They should be strengthened with strong Iman, moral values and religious practices. We need to present ourselves in the society as a real preacher of Islam. We are obliged to take by the side of the people in their good and bad days. Our basic identity is Dayee Illallah. Each and every man power should give priority on preaching Islam, upgrading of the activists and building own families. Personal contact should be bolstered and all sorts of organizational programs should be standard. We need to involve vast number of people with our organization to make it a public party. So pro-people thoughts and balanced characteristics should be encouraged. We have to play pivotal role for saving national independence and sovereignty keeping the spirit of national solidarity and patriotism.
The role of the leadership is extremely important in the current context. At this time, all the leaders should act with more sincerity and dedication. Any minor mistake of the leadership can take the organization towards major damages. We should nurture the spirit of accountability before the Almighty for our designated responsibility. Accountability should be ensured even in the worldly structure. To meet this target, a congenial atmosphere should be created for mutual suggestions and constructive criticism. For the sake of the sacred organizational environment, we should have the mentality of sacrifice and accepting the decision generously. The senior leadership should be enriched with modesty and broadness so that his fellow colleagues feel encourage to offer him good suggestions and constructive criticism. Justice must be ensured in dealing organizational members. We all have to ignore the internal differences and to go for broad base unity for achieving the target of the Islamic movement.
We all should keep it in mind that our worldly success in least significant. The salvation of the world hereafter and the satisfaction of Almighty Allah would be our biggest success. For attaining this success, we have to prioritize the requirement of the Islamic movement over all sorts of personal and worldly tasks. Jamaat-e-Islami declared zero tolerance against extremism and terrorism should be followed strictly. Jamaat-e-Islami honors and recognizes the people of all faiths and religions with great honor. So we need an immediate end to the terrorism, anarchy and murder of the innocent people which is being carried out in now days around the world in the name of politics or religion. At the same time we are committed to resist all sorts of barriers with generosity and humanistic approaches. We are expecting peace and welfare of all the peace loving people around the world irrespective of their party, religion, belief and opinions.
At the end, I want to say that Almighty Allah is the real guardian of the Islamic movement. Without His blessings, success of this movement is no way possible. So we have to establish a deep relationship with Almighty Allah. Along with the basic rituals, we must concentrate on Nafal prayers. Only then we will be able to receive the blessings and bounties of the Almighty Allah in the same way like our predecessors received in the past and we will also be able to gain success in this world and the hereafter.
Let us build ourselves as a dearest servant of the Almighty Allah. Let us set the target and goal of the Islamic target as our personal target. Whatever the hurdles and obstruction comes in this way, let us tackle those barriers with due patience, courage and maximum sacrifice. Let us make all out effort to materialize the organizational programs in order to make our country a safe, prosperous and accommodative place for the people of all sections.
Above everything, we should make effort to be a strong believer and Muttaki. Let us engage ourselves always in the endeavor for attaining salvation and blessings of the Almighty Allah. As He says in the holy Quran,
‘Hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to a garden the extensiveness of which is as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth; it is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His apostles; that is the grace of Allah: He gives it to whom He pleases and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.” (Sura Hadid: Verse 21 )
May Allah forgive our mistakes, and keep us ingrained on the path of Islamic movement till the last breathe. May Allah help us all, Amin.
Allah hafiz, long live Bangladesh, long live Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami”