12 October 2024, Sat

Secretary General addresses the Assembly of women wing of Islamic Mission Japan

Apart from building an ideal family, women should play a role in building the country and society along with their families, says Mia Golam Porwar

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami's Secretary General and former MP Professor Mia Golam Parwar said, "In addition to creating ideal children with moral character and values, Japanese expatriate women sisters must play a special role in the religious field to spread the real message of Islam in Japan. This work is challenging for women sisters in modern era. Everyone should work continuously for a balanced life to facilitate peace and salvation in the hereafter. Following the footsteps of Ummul Momineen Khadijatul Kobra and Ayesha (RA), the role of women alongside men in building an Islamic society and state is extremely important.”

He said these things while addressing a gathering organized by the Women's Division of Islamic Mission Japan on October 11, 2024. Mr. Hafez Saber Ahmad, Central President of Islamic Mission Japan, spoke as a special guest in the gathering. Women wing president Mrs. Razia Bilkis Mimi presided over the program.