Duty of Eqamat e Deen
Allah said in clear language in three chapters of the holy Quran indicating the fact why He sent His Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the world:
“It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion.” (sura at tawba-33, sura al fatah-28, sura as saff-9)
Rasul (SAW) discharged this duty by establishing The Deen of Allah. He proved that Islam is the only path of peace in the earth by enforcing the law of Allah in all spheres of individual, family, society, state, law, administration, judiciary and commerce. So, to perform the duty of establishing Islam is very important task. Sahaba e kiram (companions of prophet) also performed this duty with Muhammad (SAW). We all should discharge this duty properly as a Muslim. Satisfaction of Allah can never be possible by neglecting this duty.
Importance of united life
It was not possible even for a prophet to accomplish this duty individually. So, prophets executed a movement making them united who came under the shade of faith. It is tough to lead life as a complete Muslim in a society where Islam is not in force. And, the task of establishing the Deen of Allah is in no way possible without being united.
Prophet (SAW) said, a Muslim separated from organization is captured by Satan as a sheep separated from herd is captured by wolf. So, life with an organization is an inevitable demand of Iman (faith).
What kind of party is Jamaat- e - Islami?
Jamaat e Islami is not a conventional religious, political, social or cultural party only. Jamaat performs as a spiritual party as spiritual life is important in Islam. Jamaat performs in political arena because Islamic law can’t be implemented without political force. Jamaat concentrates upon social service and social reform as strong emphasis has been given on social service and social reform in Islam. In this sense, Jamaat- e- Islami is a complete Islamic movement.
Fundamental (aqida) belief of Jamaat
Organization of Jamaat e Islami
Bangladesh Jamaat e Islami is producing capable people through the organization because it wants to establish deen Islam. People fit for this great task are to be gathered to establish Islamic society, state and government. These people will not come from space or can’t be imported from abroad. Jamaat e Islami is making capable people from amongst the people of Bangladesh as the prophet (SAW) gathered people by invitation and organization.
Three points of Dawat (invitation) of Jamaat
It is known from Quran and Hadith that prophets (AS) invited people in the manner that:
"O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other God but Him.” [Quran, sura al araf : 50, 61, 84]
They who accepted this Dawat, all entered Islam declaring that:
(There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger)
Jamaat e Islami has presented this declaration of kalmia e taiyaba as 3 points of dawat:
Four points programs of Jamaat:
Jamaat is striving democratically to enforce God-fearing, honest and efficient leadership in all spheres of ruling system instead of inefficient and dishonest leadership
Working policy of Jamaat e Islami:
Islamic movement is the only means to create strong belief and character appropriate for Islamic society. Efficient manpower is built by the movement against vested political, economical, social and religious interests. Therefore, Jamaat is building manpower in this process. Dedicated and philanthropic workers are made in this process.
Work of nation-building and social change can’t be executed through craze, terrorism and disorder. So, Jamaat wants to take responsibility of managing government in a systemic and democratic way. Islamic ideology is not the matter to impose on the people forcefully. The true victory of Islam is possible only with the popular support.
Contribution of Jamaat e Islami
The condition for victory of Islam
Allah Ta’ala doesn’t implement Islam by directly driving force. Allah in this venture helps them those who try to perform the duty of khilafah. He confers the power upon them if the efficient manpower for establishing His deen on the earth of Allah is prepared. [Al Quran, sura an-nur : 55]
Do you want the victory of Islam?
Surely you want to see the victory of Deen of Allah. If so, come and be associated with Jamaat. Decorate yourself with Iman (faith), ilm (knowledge), akhlaq (virtues) and amal (good deed). The working policy which Jamaat in this purpose has adopted will help you to go forward.
To be associated with Jamaat: